

I am your host Corina and originally come from near Bad Tölz, south of Germany.

So far, after school I trained as a bookseller, studied business administration and worked in a publishing house. After that I spent a few years in Central America in the winter and worked in mountain huts in the summer. Thanks to the Otterfing section, I have been able to run the Gamshütte since 2018 and can hardly wait for the start of the season every year. Thanks to the technical facilities, management and overnight stays in a secluded location, it never gets boring throughout the summer.

One of the most frequently asked questions in summer is what I do in winter: I work part-time in winter, employed :-) No Hibernation…

Von der Buchhändlerin zur Hüttenwirtin – Bergwelten Online 03/2019
„Man muss sich Zeit nehmen zum Genießen.“ – Bergsteiger Spezial 03/2019
Zillertaler Schutzhütte in Frauenhand – Kronen Zeitung 08/2018
Gamshütte fest in Frauenhand – Zillertaler Zeitung 08/2018
Umbekannte Gams im Zillertal – 04/2018
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